Saturday, September 4, 2010

College Searching...

In my seemingly endless search for the perfect school, I have somehow overlooked Wellesley College. Until just the other day, I'd never thought about it, looked at the website, or visited. On Friday, I was able to rectify all three of those oversights, and Beauty, beauty, beauty. I couldn't get enough. If the only factor that mattered when choosing a school was the campus, Wellesley would have me sold. I spent three hours walking around the campus, talking to students and one professor, and attempting to get an interview (to no avail). Here are some of the pictures from this wonderfully magical, gorgeous, inspiring place:

1 comment:

  1. And it doesn't end there! I'm a very, very happy first year here at Wellesley. Let me know if you have any questions or would just like to chat. :]
