In the evening, Lauren and I went to the Women and Children's Hospital here in Chinandega. We spent the night there, and were able to observe three C-Sections. The first birth stared at about 9:30pm, and I didn't go to sleep until almost 3am.

This hospital is nothing like what we see in the US. The OR floors are cracked and chipped. There are few lights once you get out of the OR area. After each surgery, a woman comes in and does a quick wipe of the floor and the operating table, and the prep for the next surgery begins. The facilities are just completely shocking. On the other hand, nurses in the US and nurses in Nicaragua are very similar. They all sit and talk and laugh and gossip. For awhile, we were hanging out in their break room, waiting for stuff to start happening, and it was incredibly comforting that it was so much like being at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington with the nurses my mom works with.
Operating Room
Anyway, all five babies, treize niñas y dos niños (three girls and two boys), and todos las mamitas (all the mommies) made it through, and were okay when Lauren and I left for the Amigos house at 5am on Wednesday morning.
Niña #2
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